Saturday, July 20, 2013

One More Time ... With Feeling.

 And now for something about my art ...

  For those of you that follow my art, I'm currently (well - about to) look into other ways of promoting my art. As much as I love creating these fun pieces of art - Momma needs money. I have a cat to feed and studen loans to pay off. And, frankly, that's not happening. Along with the issue I addressed in my previous blog post, I also have the inability to imagine things taking a long time. As my friends - if I say I'll be there at 5:30 ... it will be more like 5:45. I get up in the morning thinking, "Surely, I can get ready in an hour!" Uh - no, you idiot. You can't. You know why - because you insist on having the t.v. on while getting ready. Oh, and you mess too much with your hair. Me: "B-but ... I have to have something on to put me in a good mood for the day. And .. my hair's a mess - even after spending 20 minutes on it." EXACTLY. Oh, and you have a pixie cut! IT SHOULDN'T TAKE THAT LONG!

  You get the point ... hopefully. So, I started offering my art online as a way to make some much needed money down the road. So far, that's not happening. Really - AT ALL. So, I'm scoping the landscape (while I'm flying - see previous post) and checking out other ways to get this baby going. I don't doubt my work - I just doubt my marketing abilities. I also don't doubt selling work online. It's more accessible and potentially successful than any gallery stuff I could do here in West Virginia. I believe this can work - I just have to figure out how. I'm considering doing a small "con" next year and possibly getting some of my digital work printed and matted for potential selling. I'm also going to look into possibly finding some illustration work online ... somewhere. I possibly have a couple of murals in the works ...

  And that, friends, is where I stand. So, please excuse the construction, per say, as I experiment with different sites and ways of posting. Also, of course, any suggestions from my lovely friends and fans is always appreciated. ^_^ Sites I can visit, convention advice, ways I can promote .. I'm really open to anything - besides selling myself or making packs with any glowey, "I'm going to eat your soul" beings. I really do love doing the art I do - stuff fueled with cultural and geeky refrences - and want to keep doing it. I just need to find some way to make it semi-profitable.

  And, I swear, this blog will begin is normal, geeky broadcast possibly as soon as tomorrow. Promise ;)

  Stay shiny,
     -Steph <3 <3

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