Monday, May 20, 2013

What You Should Be Watching: Doctor Who

  Have you ever started watching a show - and you find yourself wondering what exactly you occupied yourself with BEFORE you started watching it?

  This phenomenon happened when I watched LOST for the first time. I had somehow missed the first season - caught the last few minutes of the season 1 finale and then watched the reruns ABC had over the summer. Hooked, I tell you - HOOKED. I spent hours on that show - watching it, RE-watching it, looking at the official LOST magazine, making deco-page items from those magazines for my best friend (also an addict) making music videos . .

  Hey, it was college, alright?

  Needless to say - I found myself wondering, many times - "What did I watch before this?"

  My dear friend, Michelle, had been casually (but adamantly) reminding me for the past few years that I should be watching Doctor Who. Like any good friend, you always want your other friends to love what you love. I had the misconception that it was kitschy. I'm not sure where I got this from - maybe I had seen some of the older episodes on t.v. at some point. But I thought "Sci-fi? No, thank you."

  One day, and post-discovery of Netflix, I decided to give it a whirl. I think differently now (it improves upon re-watching, trust me), but at the time, it took some trodding to get through the 1st and 2nd seasons. The 3rd season was better for me - I related to Martha Jones in a few ways, and felt a little more like her than Rose Tyler personality-wise. However, I don't think it was until the 4th season that I realized I was hooked. And by the end of season 5 - I was twitterpated. I came to the end of my constant stream of watching half way through season 7 - so, yes, I'm a fairly new member to the Doctor Who club. And, before the 2012 Christmas episode aired, I had re-watched the show with my Mom (a vampire show/movie addict ::shudder::).

  Why is this show so amazing - you may ask? Why should I watch it? Because this show, this show about a madman in a box, is so much more than sci-fi or comedy or drama or British television. It's a story. A story about acceptance, hope, love, determination, loyalty, friendship, dreams, nightmares, heartbreaks, life and overcoming the odds when they're standing against you and possibly the size of a planet. You watch as the Doctor takes on these traveling companions and shows them the universe. Because, my friends, when you open your eyes to everything around you - when you expand your mind and let loose the fedders of your own existence - the world becomes full of possibilities. You're not just a girl who works in a shop, a temp, a nurse, a nanny - you're an important piece to the puzzle. YOU are important. I think that's why this show has improved upon me the last few months and this message, here, became so much more important. The show speaks deeply to those of us floundering to find our place. It takes us and screams to us: "You are so much more than your present circumstance."

  And yet - even with all of this - even with taking the impossible and making it possible - Doctor Who also shows us something more. That even if you're living what you may deem a boring, unimportant life - that just by you doing that - you are dazzling and magnificent and brave.

  And even though this is an un-Christian show - there are so many principles that Christians can take away from it. So many life-affirming aspects. Sure, you're bound to come across a few moments that may go against your own personal beliefs, however - even beyond that - even beyond the science and the theories and the aliens - it's a beautiful, clean, show with a beautiful, sometimes heartbreaking and sometimes fantastic , story. One that I encourage you to, at least, give a chance.

  If you do, please - let me know! And for heaven's sake - DO NOT google Doctor Who until you're caught up. I repeat - NO GOOGLING OF THE DOCTOR. Because your're mind isn't an etchasketch - and that's one doodle that can't be un-done.

                                                                   <3 <3 - Steph

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